One question we often get asked is ‘Why Hire?”. It’s a good question, especially with the ready availability of cheap imported tools these days.
Depending on your situation, hiring usually makes better financial sense and can save you both time and money.
Firstly the equipment we buy is only the best. We purchase reliable equipment which we know will last the rigors of the hire market. This is equipment that is made to last, not made to a price. Top quality gear costs significantly more ( a lot of customers would be shocked what some of our equipment costs), but it’ll get the job done easier and quicker.
Secondly we spend a lot of time cleaning and servicing our equipment between the time it comes back from a customer, and the moment it is put back on the shelf, ready for the next job. This means it’s cleaned, sharpened, checked and ready to go when you hire it. You won’t have to spend time (at your hourly rate) sharpening the equipment or trying to get that bloody two-stroke motor to start!
Thirdly it’s usually cheaper to hire the gear when you need it, rather than have a pile of cash tied up in a single piece of equipment; it leaves you with cash to spend elsewhere on your home or your business. We find that a lot of gear is very seasonal; the summer months usually see a bit demand for landscaping equipment and excavators; in winter demand switches to heaters and dehumidifiers. In many cases it’s not financially viable to own gear that might only get used three or four months of the year.
When you hire equipment it’s easy to track expenses from hiring gear and attribute the costs to specific jobs. We now have a number of customers who quote for jobs on the basis of hiring equipment from us (using the prices on our website) which they invoice directly on to the customer. And remember that if you’re a business, all equipment hire is 100% tax deductible. You can also claim the GST back if you are GST registered.
We reckon hiring makes sense, and we’ll always try to be flexible to suit your needs. If you need to hire something for an extended period of time, or need something that’s not in our current range, give us a call. We’d like to help.